services Since 1912

services Since 1912

services Since 1912

services Since 1912

services Since 1912

services Since 1912

services Since 1912

services Since 1912
Your single source for Electric, Lighting
and Datacom Supplies
Few companies can say they’ve been providing their customers with exemplary service, expertise and convenience for over a century. Midtown Electric Supply is among this few. Since we were founded in 1912, our mission has been to help our customers succeed and grow. In the process, Midtown too has succeeded and grown into one of the largest and most trusted suppliers of electric, lighting and data communication products in the New York Metropolitan area.
Your One Stop For All
Your Heating Needs!
Check out our leading heating
vendors below:
Products & Services
The Products You Need When You Need Them
Let Midtown Electric be your one stop for all your electric, lighting, data-com, safety and PPE needs. Whether you’re receiving a delivery or stopping by our Pick-Up counter, you’ll be guaranteed speedy service and access to our tremendous local inventory.
Our fleet of delivery trucks including Self-Unloader Boom Truck Service are at your disposal for Same-Day, Early AM, Late Day, Emergency, and Weekend deliveries.
We bring you the products you need when you need them to get your job completed on time and on budget!

We offer superior electrical products and services to contractors and end users in the commercial, residential, new construction, industrial and institutional markets from our extensive local inventory.

For commercial, industrial, residential and decorative lighting solutions let Midtown Lighting be your trusted lighting resource. Whether you’re designing a state of the art lighting system, need components for an existing system or assistance with a commercial lighting package, our experienced lighting specialists can assist with an array of lighting solutions tailored to fit your specific needs.

Midtown’s data division is a leading supplier of voice, data and telecommunication products to the New York metropolitan area. We offer complete connectivity solutions to help integrate the critical network infrastructure of any environment. We offer the finest data communication products from premiere manufacturers and can provide expert advice, installation tips including hands-on technical support for every phase of your project.

Midtown offers the most advanced tools, Arc Flash and personal protection equipment available in the marketplace today. Our seasoned specialists will work with you to recommend the best products to complete any job. When it comes to your essential personal protection, safety and tool needs we got you covered!
You Can Count On Us
You Want it When?

“Service, Service, Service”
That is our motto and we have been delivering best in class service for over a century! Our fleet of delivery trucks including Self-Unloader Boom Truck Service are at your disposal for Same-Day, Early AM, Late Day, Emergency, and Weekend deliveries. We are also your one stop for all your safety, and PPE needs. We maintain an extensive inventory of Arc Flash Protection equipment as well as leading brand offerings of power and hand tools to complete your job safely and efficiently. Our industry knowledge and service run as deep as our inventories. With one of the largest and fastest Will Call counters in the area coupled with our extensive inventory we have the products you need when you need them to get your project completed on time and on budget. Contact us today to learn more about the Midtown Advantage!